Oral Sex Bacteria

Oral sex has been observed in the kingdom among many species. It has been suggested that there is an evolutionary advantage due to the tendency of primates, non-primates and humans to have oral sex.

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Scientific research has proven that sexual partners who practice oral sex have a greater risk of bacterial vaginosis (BV). Bacterial vaginosis results when the balance of healthy bacteria in the vagina becomes disrupted.

Oral Sex & You: What you need to know to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) Oral sex can be fun, but it can also spread disease. (Gross, right?)

Jul 07, 2017 · About 78 million people catch gonorrhea every year — but the new antibiotic-resistant strain developed through a mistreatment of gonorrhea bacteria left in the throat after oral sex.

True: You can’t get pregnant from having oral sex. False: You can’t get sexually transmitted infections or diseases (STI) from having oral sex. Oral sex is defined as the act of sexual intimacy from mouth-to-penis (fellatio), mouth-to-vagina (cunnilingus), or mouth–to–anus. Or in slang terms: a

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Preparation For Oral Sex. Taking a moment to clean up before oral sex is always a good idea as it can prevent Urinary Tract Infections and make things more carefree once done.

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ORAL SEX: WHAT IS IT? Oral sex refers to oral (mouth and tongue) stimulation of the genitals or other areas of the body. Fellatio refers to oral stimulation of the penis; cunnilingus refers to oral stimulation of the vulva (the external part of the vagina).

Many people engage in oral sex, and find it a pleasurable of sexual activity. So long as you engage in it responsibly, it’s just as normal, healthy, safe and natural as any other kind of genital sex.

Then there’s the risk of contracting HPV, or the human papillomavirus. While the likelihood of transmission from oral sex isn’t known, according to the Centers for Disease Control, some studies suggest that this is possible.

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The fecal–oral route (or oral–fecal route or fecal oral route) describes a particular route of transmission of a disease. Pathogens in fecal particles pass from one person to the mouth of another person.

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